termite mud tubes on wood

As your friendly local termite control experts, we’re here to shed some light on how these unwelcome guests spread around Mid-South TN. Termite infestations don’t just appear overnight, they gradually build up as their colonies gain strength and numbers. Particularly during the warmer months of spring and summer, termites start “swarming.”

Termites are quite the stealthy invaders, often making significant headway before we catch wind of their presence. Several factors contribute to the way they spread:

  • Wood-Soil Contact: Termites thrive where wood meets soil, setting up the perfect feeding environment.
  • Moisture Levels: These critters love a damp environment, so they can get necessary hydration.
  • The Weather: Termites have preferences for certain climates and seasons that make life easier for them.
  • Colony’s Strength: The larger and more mature their family, the faster they can take down a wood structure.

The Pace of a Termite Infestation

Termite damage starts becoming noticeable after the colony has had at least a couple of years to establish itself. A mature colony can consume up to a pound of wood daily. It seems minimal, but it adds up over time.

A termite colony can range from a cozy gathering of a few hundred to well into the millions. With queen termites potentially laying up to 30,000 eggs daily, it’s clear how these communities can grow to massive proportions rather quickly.

Neighborly Concerns: The Termite Domino Effect

Seeing termite treatment tents over homes popping up around your neighborhood can definitely set off some alarm bells. But fear not! Termites hopping from one house to yours isn’t a given. 

However, if your home shares its build date with an infested neighbor, it might be wise to bring in a termite specialist for a peace-of-mind check-up. Staying proactive with regular inspections is your best defense against an infestation.

Forming New Termite Hangouts

So how do termites expand their colony? Termites have a knack for tunneling through the ground or sneaking through wall cracks, setting up new colonies where conditions are ripe. While they don’t plan on infesting whole neighborhoods, witnessing an infestation next door should nudge you towards securing year-round termite protection and regular inspections. 

And that’s where we at Inman-Murphy, Inc. come in. As your trusted termite exterminators, we’re ready to shield your home from these wood-feasting foes. 

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