What is the lifespan of a mosquito?

A mosquito’s lifespan lasts about one to two months. But during this time, they are constantly reproducing so the population is always cycling. 

After the eggs hatch, the larvae turn into pupae and eventually become adults in about 14 days. From there, the adult mosquitoes will breed and lay eggs to start the cycle over. Mosquitoes will die off when it begins to get cold outside, are eaten by a predator, or will die naturally in about one to two months. 

What Is the Lifecycle of the Mosquito? 

The entire mosquito life cycle takes about 14 days. These pests go through four main stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Each stage requires a unique approach for effective control and prevention.

Feeding (Adult) Stage

Female mosquitoes require a blood meal to reproduce. After feeding, they lay their eggs on or near stagnant water. The female uses the protein and iron found in blood to nourish her eggs. 

Egg Stage

These eggs hatch into larvae between 24 to 72 hours, which requires moist and warm conditions. Eggs can be laid in clusters or singly, depending on the species of mosquito. Some species lay eggs that can survive dry conditions for months before hatching when they come into contact with water.

Larvae Stage

When the larvae emerge from the eggs, they are typically seen wiggling in the water. The larvae feed on algae, protozoans, and other organic material. They shed their skins (molt) several times as they grow. 

Pupa Stage

After about a week (or ten days), the larvae reach the pupal stage. Instead of feeding, the pupae spend a couple of days at the surface of the water to get used to the air.

After a few days to a week, the adult mosquito emerges from the pupal case ready to start the cycle over again. And only a day later are the adult mosquitoes able to breed. Female mosquitoes can reproduce and lay eggs for most of their lifetime.

How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

Male mosquitoes, which feed off of plant nectar, live typically for a week or two. Female mosquitoes, on the other hand, can live for over a month. Mosquito eggs, if they do not hatch, can survive for months at a time before hatching. Although mosquitoes have a relatively short life cycle, their rapid rate of reproduction keeps mosquito populations at a constant during the summer months.

What typically shortens a mosquito’s lifespan the most is expert mosquito control. Exterminators, like the ones at Inman-Murphy, Inc., target mosquitoes at specific life stages to reduce them more effectively.

How Do Mosquitoes Die?

Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes do not die after biting someone. In fact, a female mosquito will continually feed throughout her lifetime. Mosquitoes typically naturally die after a month or two. Mosquito populations die off when the warmer temperatures of spring and summer come to an end. This is because mosquitoes cannot function at temperatures less than 50 degrees. Females can occasionally hibernate, and unhatched eggs can survive the winter. 

Shorten Mosquito Lifespans with Us

At Inman-Murphy, Inc., we specialize in comprehensive mosquito control strategies that target these pests at every stage of their lifecycle. Whether it’s setting up regular treatments or addressing a current infestation, we’re here to ensure your home is comfortable and without mosquitoes. 

Don’t let mosquitoes take over your yard this season. Contact us today for a free quote and see the difference professional mosquito control can make! 

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