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Do rats or mice bite?

Encountering rats or mice can indeed be unsettling, particularly due to their long and frightening teeth. However, it’s essential to understand that these rodents typically exhibit evasive behavior rather than aggression towards humans. Nevertheless, it’s important to be aware of the following facts regarding rat and mouse bites:

  • Though bites aren’t common, they are still possible
  • Most healthy rodents only display aggression when frightened
  • Rats are more likely to bite than mice
  • Any type of rodent bite can spread disease
  • Left untreated, rodent bites can lead to infection
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Why Do Rodents Bite?

If a rat does resort to biting, it’s typically in response to feeling cornered or frightened. Rat bites can range from superficial to more severe wounds, posing a risk of disease transmission. For instance, certain species of deer mice carry the Hantavirus, while rat bites may lead to rat-bite fever.

What to Do After a Rat Bite

Seek immediate medical attention if you believe you’ve been bitten by a rodent, even if the wound appears minor. Ignoring the bite could result in complications due to bacterial or pathogenic transmission. During the healing process, watch for symptoms such as:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Pus formation
  • Systemic symptoms like joint pain

Do All Rats or Mice Bite?

While many rodents prefer flight over fight, it’s essential to acknowledge that most species retain the ability to bite when provoked or threatened. If you encounter a rat or mouse on your premises, prioritizing your health is paramount. Contacting your local rodent control company is the first step towards mitigating potential risks.

Do Rats or Mice Bite Serving Mid-South | Millington TN | Memphis Metro Area?

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