How to Prevent Winter Flies

Fruit fly in Millington TN home - Inman-Murphy, Inc.

Most people associate flies with the heat of the summer, especially here in Tennessee. Having flies infest your home is never fun, and they can confuse many homeowners when they are indoors during the middle of the winter. Believe it or not, flies are a common winter pest—and they’re seeking shelter inside your home for a reason.

From fruit flies to cluster flies, it’s important to learn what might be attracting these winter pests to your home in order to prevent them. Read more to learn everything you need to know about getting rid of winter flies in your property once and for all!

Common Winter Flies In Your Home

There are two flies that are typical culprits in your home during the winter: cluster flies and fruit flies. Here’s what you should know about these nuisance pests:

  1. Cluster flies
    • Big, dark gray flies with yellow hairs on their thorax and overlapping wings
    • Commonly found around windows, basements, or attics
    • Group together in dark, secluded areas to go into diapause or hibernation
    • Begin to re-emerge in the spring or on warmer days to regain heat and energy
  2. Fruit flies
    • Tiny flies that are light in color with big red eyes
    • Commonly found in kitchens or warm, moist areas like your trash or drains
    • Lay eggs in rotting fruit, food, or plant material
    • Often get indoors by hiding inside grocery bags

How to Prevent Flies This Winter

Fruit and cluster flies are common winter pests because like most pests, they cannot survive the cold temperatures outside. While cluster flies won’t reproduce in your property, fruit fly infestations can rapidly grow in size and become a real nuisance. The key to avoiding dealing with these pests is to prevent them in the first place. Here’s how to get rid of common winter fly problems:

  1. To get rid of cluster flies, it’s important to seal off your home in the fall months. This means sealing off cracks and crevices around the property. It’s especially important to seal up windows and doors, as these flies tend to access homes under baseboards and window frames.
  2. To get rid of fruit flies, it’s best to wipe out potential food and shelter sources. Always promptly throw away rotting food from your pantry or fridge. Take your garbage outside regularly and use tight-fitting lids on your cans. Lastly, focus on sealing cracks and crevices around windows and doors near your kitchen.

Need Help Getting Rid of Flies in Your Memphis Area Home?

If you have a fly infestation in your property this winter, it’s best to contact your local fly control experts for advice. At Inman-Murphy, Inc., we work hard to reduce the conditions in your home that could contribute to a fly infestation in the first place. Contact us today to learn more!