There’s nothing like end of summer barbecues to celebrate the final days of warm weather before fall and winter return. Grilling outside and enjoying time with family and friends are what great memories are made of. The only things that could ruin a perfectly good backyard barbecue are pesky bees, ants, and mosquitoes.

Outdoor lawn pest control can help alleviate these end of summer nuisances with simple prevention. Don’t let your last days of summer be ruined by pesky insects. Use these tips to prevent unwanted guests.

Outdoor Pest Control for Summer BBQs

  • Avoid sweet smelling candles or fragrances. Use citronella, cinnamon, or mint candles to keep insects, especially mosquitoes, at bay.
  • Make sure doors and windows have proper screens without holes or tears to avoid outdoor pests coming inside.
  • Search for wasp nests on or under your porch, in the eaves, or near your grill. Remove nests before family or guests arrive.
  • Place your grill in a central area with plenty sun to discourage bugs.
  • Keep trash cans a short walk away from areas where your guests will be hanging out.
  • Put easy covers over food. Remove them when it’s time to eat and put them back on after everyone has dished up.
  • Provide lids for sweet drinks to avoid fruit flies or wasps ruining drinks.
  • Keep a box fan circulating the air. The consistent breeze bothers most insects.

Lawn Pest Control Tips and Tricks

  • Mow your lawn and weed your gardens to reduce places for insects to hide and make their new home.
  • Release stagnant water (bird baths and small ponds or pools) to keep mosquitos away.
  • Remove fallen fruit or berries to eliminate sweet temptations.
  • Discourage ants by sprinkling a ring of corn starch or baby powder around your table.
  • Hire a professional outdoor pest control company to spray throughout your yard—especially where your guests will spend the most time.

With advanced planning, your end of summer barbecues will be filled with more fun and laughter and less pesky bugs.

Call Inman-Murphy to schedule a pest control and prevention treatment. Let us to nip your bug problem in the bud with our outdoor pest control and lawn pest control services.

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